Is There Any New Tech Coming From Arctic Cat?

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Being both snocross and cross country racing will be using 600cc sleds for stock class racing, have you heard anything about Arctic Cat developing the “new” F6 Sno Pro chassis for racing next year? Not the current twinspar but a new “lightweight” chassis.

I’ve heard it is going to match up well against the XP and IQ chassis’s next season. I also heard that there could be some other new technology coming from the Cat camp. Can you shed ANY tid bit of info? Come on! You guys know something!!

Great magazine and website!



Thanks for your question!

Clearly, the AC Camp will be delivering an all-new Sno Pro for the 2007/2008 race season. A number of issues are driving this reality – not the least of which is the elimination of the F-Cat 13.5 wide platform and all its associated tooling from the plant.

With all available SP sleds sold-off this winter, AC has to produce a new race sled and with the realities at play I’ve just mentioned, you can bet it will be based on the F-Chassis.

However, I would look for a highly rationalized F-based Sno-Pro with light-weight body-work and chassis components. In fact, I think it’s safe to say what-ever AC is up to in the Race Shop right now will foreshadow the next generation F trail sled.

It’s a little early to assume much more than this and honestly, the factory is very tight mouthed about anything which looks or is different than the current F sled.

One more thing. We wouldn’t be too surprised if the new Sno-Pro does not unveil at Hay Days. We believe AC will keep whatever they have under wraps until late November – (Duluth?).

Motorhead Mark

Reader Follow Up:


As long as I have you on the line….I was wondering if this new sno pro chassis could be the new Crossfire/M-series development chassis?

Being the Crossfire/M-series body work/chassis has been around since 2005 and much of the
snocross/crosscountry riding applications can be applied to cross over/ditch banger/mountain riding.

Disguise it with a 121″ track for racing applications. Stretch it to 136″ to 163″ for the crossover/mountain riding segment. The current F-chassis could continue to evolve as the trail sled and this new sno pro chassis could be the new lightweight crossover/mountain sled.

Look out XP. What do you think of these thoughts?

By the way, I ride a 06 Crossfire 7 SP. Absolutely love it.



Okay, you’ve obviously been up late thinking about this!

Sure, AC could use the CF/M platform with a 121 incher outback for a new Sno-Pro platform. Understand the CF/M platform actually has a lot of engineering cues shared with the old F-Cat – particularly in the bulkhead design.

I intend to visit TRF this summer and maybe we’ll get an indication of what might be coming then. As of right now, it’s truly just a guessing game.

Motorhead Mark

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