I purchased a 07′ rear skidframe without shocks from a F1000 to put into my 01′ ZR 800.
Besides the 128″ track and front slide rail and bushings, is there anything else I need to make the change to this machine?? i.e. track drivers.
Would you be able to advise on the Hole locations for the new skidframe??
Thanks for your email!
Wow! You’re into a major deal here!
First, it is imperative you locate the skid in the proper altitude or the sliding front-arm will not work properly. I have no idea how you would do this as I’ve not heard of anyone who has tried a 07 128 FFA skid in a ZR chassis. I would refer you to a performance shop if I knew of one which had experience with this – but as of this writing, I do not.
For sure – at the very minimum – you must ensure the stagger between the front arm bolt holes in the tunnel and the rear arm mounting plate centers are identical. My advice is to seek out someone who may have had experience doing this already. We’ll post this and maybe someone will come back with some details on how to make this work properly.
Motorhead Mark