Dear Motorhead,
I own a 1996 Arctic Cat ZRT 600 and I’m having a problem with its handling over trails. It feels like it wants to fish tail even on straight-aways.
I have the track studded with 144 studs and have 6 inch carbides on the skis. Is there something that can be changed with the limiter straps on the front of the track cage or do I have another problem?
Thanks for your email!
You haven’t given me much to go on here. If the sled was handling fine, why would the rear skid need adjusting – unless you fiddled with it?
I would suggest you look up front and verify your ski toe-in-toe-out. It sounds to me like you may have a bent carbide or more likely, you are toed-in.
Toe in is nasty and always causes severe handling issues – much like you describe. Measure for parrallelism and set the ski toe-out at 1/4 inch. Never, ever set for toe -in.
Try that first.
Motorhead Mark