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Press Release –

BRP launches year 2 of program that gives back to numerous volunteers who work on snowmobile trails throughout North America

Based off the success of the program in 2008, BRP and its Ski-Doo® dealers will again donate up to $1 million dollars to North American snowmobile clubs for snowmobile trails through the Ski-Doo Million Dollar Club Support Program. Regardless of the brand they own, every snowmobiler will be able to participate in this fundraising program.

For each snowmobiler submitting a certificate at their Ski-Doo dealership, BRP will donate $10 to their snowmobile club through the program. Program certificates will be available in all snowmobile magazines, at fall snowmobile shows, and on An advertising, public relations and direct mailing campaign will also be launched to reach every snowmobiler.

“The shear volume of letters received praising BRP and our dealers for last year’s program is proof enough for us that this program worked wonders,” said Roch Lambert, vice-president and general manager of the Ski-Doo / Sea-Doo / Evinrude division. “Its simply amazing to see how many people went out of their way to write to us and share what they did with last year’s funds and how it impacted their club — and how important that contribution was to the upgrades they did to the trails’ infrastructure.”

“We are very grateful to BRP for recognizing and supporting the Go Snowmobiling efforts of our club volunteers with this contribution,” said Bruce Robinson, OFSC President. “Ski-doo has partnered with us since the beginning of organized snowmobiling over 40 years ago and we hope every OFSC snowmobiler appreciates their giving back so generously today to improve our trails.”

The top club in each of the following regions: Canada East, (Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Labrador, PEI, Nova Scotia); Canada West (Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Yukon Territory, Alberta, Northwest Territory) USA East (Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Vermont, Wisconsin); USA West (California / Nevada, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming) will receive a Ski-doo MXZ or Summit to use for additional fundraising activities.

Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP), a privately-held company, is a world leader in the design, development, manufacturing, distribution and marketing of motorized recreational vehicles. Its portfolio of brands and products includes: Ski-Doo® and Lynx™ snowmobiles, Sea Doo® watercraft and sport boats, Evinrude® and Johnson® outboard engines, Can-Am™ all-terrain vehicles and roadsters, Rotax® engines and karts as well as direct injection technologies such as E TEC®.

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