OFSC Invests $4.3M for Economic Action Plan

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Press Release –

47 Infrastructure Projects Underway Across Ontario

The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) has 47 new infrastructure projects worth $4.3 million presently underway on Ontario’s snowmobile trails.

These ambitious projects are part of Canada’s Economic Action Plan, through a $25 million investment to expand Canada’s national trail system announced by Prime Minister Stephen Harper last spring. The OFSC is adding to its $1.88 million federal stimulus allocation from this fund to deliver the $4.3 million investment in Ontario snowmobiling.

The stimulus money is flowing, so the OFSC work is already benefiting the Ontario economy. The 47 “shovel-ready” projects are creating jobs and opening up new opportunities for tourism businesses.

The trail improvements will also allow more Ontarians to go snowmobiling in a safe and responsible manner. The infrastructure projects occur in all 17 OFSC districts and include placing new signage on over 15,000 kilometres of trails, installing or repairing over 60 bridges and numerous culverts, and undertaking upgrade projects on almost 6,000 more kilometres of OFSC snowmobile trails.

“Many remarkable projects are underway, such as building a 240′ bridge near Gravenhurst (Muskoka) and an inter-district undertaking to revitalize the RAP Tour (Ride ‘Round Algonquin), Ontario’s premier signature loop for snowmobiling,” noted Mike Farr, OFSC trails manager. “Our clubs and districts have hit the ground running to ensure that every project delivers a significant return on investment for Canadian taxpayers.”

The 25 million stimulus dollars flow from the Government of Canada through the National Trails Coalition (NTC – www.ntc-canada.ca), a not-for-profit organization spearheaded by the Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations (CCSO), the Canadian Off-Highway Vehicle Distributors Council (COHV), and the Canadian Trails Federation (CTF). Through their affiliates across Canada, such as the OFSC, these parent bodies represent trail building, operating and maintenance organizations in every province and territory.

Most importantly, they provide trail infrastructure and a tourism product that is used by millions of Canadians and visitors to Canada. Under rigorous rules and requirements, the NTC has apportioned and is constantly monitoring the federal stimulus dollars for approved projects across Canada.

The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs is dedicated to providing strong leadership and support to member clubs and volunteers, to establishing and maintaining quality snowmobile trails which are used in a safe and environmentally responsible manner, and to furthering the enjoyment of organized snowmobiling.

Visit www.ofsc.on.ca to purchase your Ontario trail permit online!

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