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For crying out loud, who dreamed up the idea of a 144-inch track under a crossover sled?

By it’s very definition a crossover is supposed to be adept on trails as well as being competent in flatland powder. That’s it.

Currently we’re seeing this trend in the sno-mo-biz to increase track lengths so a crossover becomes some kind of mountain sled with hot grips. This is not a cool trend and, if you’ve tried to ride one of these mega-tracked sleds on a groomed trail, you’re either ripping up the surface because of its ridiculously long lugs blowing chunks out the snowflap or your trying to muscle a sled around corners that wants to go in a straight line. I don’t need a closer look at the foliage, thank-you.

Yes, if you’re trying to convince yourself you can ride like Chris Burandt and want to go out and shred powder in fields all day (believe it or not, most crossover sleds are sold in areas where there are no mountains), then maybe you can use an extra load of deep snow traction. Really, how many snowmobilers ride like this?

As far as I’m concerned 136-inch tracks should be made law for this class. They might not go as vertical as Apollo 1 but they offer plenty of traction while getting you down trails without any unexpected visits from pine trees.

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Kent Lester
Kent Lester
Kent Lester is Co-Publisher of SUPERTRAX Magazine and a regular contributor to this website.
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