F5 Handling

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Dear Motorhead,

I am a huge fan of Supertrax. I am currently 14 years old and I had some handling Questions about my 2007 Arctic Cat F5.

I weigh 90 pounds so i don’t have much influence on the sled. I lean as much as i can but it still won’t corner as i would like. So I was hoping you could give me some suspension advice for handling.




Thanks for your email.

Your 2001 F-5 is known for profound understeer (push) when ridden by an average size rider. You are way below average in weight so your F-5 will be reluctant to turn – at best.

Pull the front limiter strap in one hole at a time to increase ski pressure. If you were a little heavier I would suggest bumping front IFS spring preload up but at 90 pounds this will only make the ride intolerable.

In as much as this will increase steering effort I really think you need to increase your carbide bite by using something like a Woody’s Slim Jim or Dually, Stud Boy Shaper or Deuce Bar or the very effective Snowtracker ski enhancer.

Pulling in the front arm reduces the effect of the sliding front arm feature and will make the sled less-plush in the jigglers – but you really need to do this.

Hope this helps!

Motorhead Mark

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