Opinions About Aftermarket Products

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Dear Motorhead,

I have been snowmobiling for over 30 years. Not every year I’m I able to buy a new sled, for me It happens about every five years or so. However I am always looking for products that will improve my overall snowmobile experience.

Through the years some simple and sometimes inexpensive items have made the whole experience better. I subscribe to 3 snowmobile magazines and I wish all of them would include more articles and comparisons on these items.

Examples of items that I have purchased recently that have really improved my snowmobiling experience are; Chatterboxes, Superglides, GPS, Fitch fuel catalyst and PolarOptics removable sun shield.

As I was reading an issue of your magazine I noticed an add for Retrax retractable ski wheels. Have you used these, do they work well, what are the disadvantages, are there other products like this that work better?

I would appreciate your opinion, and would also like to see articles with your no bull opinions (like the sled comparisons) on more of these products. I look forward to your thoughts and I really enjoy your magazine. Thanks.

David C Ruckdaschel


Thanks for your email!

The products you have indicated which you enjoy are among some of our faves as well.

Helmet to Helmet Communicators haven’t received much press lately but we have done a lot of coverage on them over the years. Superglides rule!. No question – GPS is the way to go on trails. Haven’t tried the Ficht Fuel Catalyst or the Polar Optics shield.

The Retrax Ski-Wheels kit is a product we plan on using this winter. However, if you ride in the Province of Quebec, you’ll see this accessory is very popular Quebecers.

I have seen the system in use and it’s slick – in particular if you get into a jam in the early or late season and have to run some roads. Essentially you save your skis and carbides from certain destruction. The auto-up and down feature offered is very slick as well.

We hope to have some info from first hand experience for you in the coming season.

Motorhead Mark

Supertrax Online
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