Dear Motorhead:
I’m having a hard time deciding whether to buy a new Renegade or go with rMotion . I am upgrading from a rev 600X and loved it.
I hear both sides of the story which one will be better but when I’m going to spend 10000 plus on a new sled I want to make the right decision.
I’m 42 and do not abuse my body like I use to. I want a enjoyable ride. I live in upstate New York and ride mostly groomed wooded trails and open fields. Sometimes I might get in some powder or break trails but not a lot.
My Dealer has been no help either. He says that if I like the ride I have now you’ll love the ride in an XP which leads me to the Rmotion.
I want your opinion on this since you probably have rode both sleds and might shed some light on me.
Thanks for your email!
You’ve answered your own question! You are the perfect target for a new RMotion – you really don’t need a Renny and you’ll appreciate the vastly improved ride of the new rmotion – it is remarkable. However, make sure if you order you get the optional running board adjusters – they are superb.
Good luck!
Motorhead Mark