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Dear Motorhead:

I’ve been riding for a couple of years now with my 1994 Mach Z 780 and would like to upgrade to new 4 stroke high performance sled.

I did go out last year on a BRP demo ride and got to try the 1200 4-TEC, but unfortunately Arctic cat and Yamaha did not offer a demo ride in my area.

So my question is this of these three manufacturers, which would you suggest as the best and which model?

Thanks in advance,

Paul C

Thanks for your email!

Okay, you are asking a Q that is impossible to answer so I’ll try to help with some info on the choices.

First, you’re coming off an ICBM calibre sled – there isn’t any non-turbo four strokes that”ll hit like your 780 triple. That’s reality.

Second, we need to define what area of performance you’re looking at – I suspect its the 120-130 HP segment. You would need to evaluate the AC Pro-Cross F-1100, the Yamaha Vector and Nytro and the Polaris Turbo. These are all very different sleds in comparison to the Ski-Doo 1200 you have ridden.

The new AC F-1100 is very “Ski-Dooish” in its ergos and handling however the 1100 is a little softer than the 1200 Rotax 4-TEC.

The Nytro is a completely different handling and riding sled than you would be use to however it is very quick and almost as light as the 1200 SD.

The Vector might be closer to what you are familiar with in terms of ergos however it is not as quick as the lighter Nytro.

Finally, the Polaris Turbo is exceptionally fast, mainstream and more old school in its ergos but somewhat more jing as it actually produces around 150 HP on average.

The Ski-Doo 4-Tec 1200 is a very strong running mill which we suspect produces 135 plus HP. It’s a great handler and a great ride – particularly with r-Motion. It’s only downside is a slight bit of annoying throttle lag below 4500 RPM. Otherwise it is a very fast and comfortable ride.

Last thing – what about the dealer? You have to decide who you’re marrying when you buy a sled. If you have a great dealer you’ll never look back – if you have a dealer you can’t mesh with you’ll hate even a good sled. It’s about the entire experience when you buy a new snowmobile.

Hope this helps!

Motorhead Mark

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