Seems Supertrax messed up the claimed manufacturer’s weights for the Crossfire 800 and 1000 in our 4-stroke comparison article last issue.
In our Crossover Power & Weight Data Chart on page 36 we indicated the dry weights were 545 and 534 lbs respectively for the CF1000 and CF800 with 141-inch tracks.
According to info sent to us by Arctic Cat this week, both sleds are considerable lighter.
The standard issue Crossfire 800 141-incher weighs in at a claimed 471 lbs and the 1000 at 497, dry.
The Sno-Pro versions of both these sleds are even lighter.
The same adjustment goes for the Crossover Footprints Chart on the same page. The footprint for both these sleds will be much lighter than we published for comparison sake in the article.
The Cat 800’s footprint is down from .631 pounds per square inch to .556 and the 1000 comes in at .587 lbs/sq-in.
These are considerable weight changes and make a difference when comparing these two Crossfires to 2-stroke Crossover sleds like the Ski-Doo Renegade 800R and the Polaris 800 Switchback.
Fortunately, the article was about 4-strokes and not a direct comparo of these 2-stroke sleds.