Save $50 On Annual Permit This Week!

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Snowmobilers that buy their 2012 Seasonal Snowmobile Trail Permit for use on OFSC trails in Ontario, Canada on or before Thursday, December 1 can save $50 this week. After that, the regular permit fee is $250.

Under Ontario law, a Snowmobile Trail Permit is required for a recreational sled to enter, access or ride any trail operated by the non-profit Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC).

With a valid Snowmobile Trail Permit, a rider can use any part of the OFSC’s 34,000 kilometres of marked, mapped and maintained trails at any time during the winter months when they are available for snowmobiling.

Buying a Snowmobile Trail Permit also supports the community-based snowmobile club where the permit was purchased, enabling club volunteers to keep their trails available for the enjoyment of local residents and visiting riders.

In addition, the OFSC distributes revenues from permit sales across Ontario so that clubs with a lower population base or long trail distances through remote areas have the necessary funding to operate.

This OFSC “User Pay” system has been in place for almost 50 years and supports the world’s largest recreational trail network. As the primary funding for the cost of trail operations that typically runs about $20 million each winter, the Snowmobile Trail Permit ensures that snowmobilers pay their own way for the trails they ride.

Snowmobile Trail Permits can be obtained from any OFSC snowmobile club or online at

With 229 community based clubs and 168,000 family members, the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs is a volunteer led not-for-profit association, which through strong leadership, provides a wide range of quality programs and services to and on behalf of, its member organizations. Its 34,262-kilometre provincial network of organized snowmobile trails connects Ontario communities, providing responsible riding experiences that are safe, enjoyable, and environmentally sustainable.

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