Let me get something strait before we dive into the deep end of the pool. This is not a political editorial nor is it filled with enlightened answers to this bewildering issue. However, we may be able to – at the very least – get a glimpse of what may or may not occur in the sno-mo-biz in the next 10 months.
Are Snowmobiles Going To Get More Expensive if Tariffs are Imposed?
This is the question of the hour and frankly it cannot be answered at this time. However, here is what seems to be the situation. Big dollar, resource-based items like steel and aluminum produced in Canada are likely to be the first targets for tariffs.
Items of a more household nature may be slower to be affected and who knows, may not be affected at all. It would make sense cars built in Canada may be pretty high on the list to have tariffs imposed. As a result, I would suggest keeping an eye on automobiles as they could ultimately be a clue to answering the first question regarding snowmobiles.
Will US Tariffs on Snowmobiles Result in a Retaliatory Response From Canada?
I would be shocked if any tariffs imposed on Canada do not result in a retaliatory tariff response. This has been reported in the main stream media since the first discussion of tariffs emerged earlier this year.
This seems likely and could mean the price of Canadian and Mexican made snowmobiles headed for the US will go up as will American made snowmobiles destined for Canada. I am drawing from what is being said in the general media. None of this may come to pass. At least let’s hope it doesn’t.
Will the Price of Used Sleds Go Up?
This is one of the most interesting issues in this situation. It makes sense used sleds should be in higher demand if tariffs affect new sled pricing. In the mid 00’s there was a huge cross-border, used sled business going on between Canada and the US. The situation was somewhat different though as it related to the value of the US dollar compared to the Canadian dollar. Nonetheless any increase in the flow of used sleds crossing the border (either direction) would appear capable of putting upward pressure on the used market.
What Impact Could Tariffs on Snowmobiles Have on Dealers?
Clearly, if imposed, tariffs and retaliatory tariffs will hurt the retail sales of new sleds. However, there is a caveat. Canadian buyers buying Canadian made snowmobiles may not be hit with price increases and it would seem logical US buyers of US built sleds should experience the same situation – no price increases from tariffs.
How Much of The Tariff will be Passed on to the Retail Customer?
This may be the biggest question in this whole deal. Unfortunately, the answer will be determined by each OEM. You’ll know when we in the enthusiast press know.
This is just a very narrow snap shot of what might be going on in the sno-mo-biz as it relates to tariffs. I have posited no answers here – just hypothetical descriptions of what could happen.
We want to give our readers and viewers a clearer view of what tariffs ultimately mean and what may be happening in the immediate future.
Stay tuned and we’ll bring you all the latest info as it rolls out and what to expect as we head into the 2026 Model Year.