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Eventually, everyone comes to the place where the old blister is too old and too much of a blister. We’re talking sleds here, not feet.

Here’s our question of the day for you: What motivates you to sell your old sled and get a new one?

Our polls have shown us there are two factors at the top of the list. First is the desire for more power.

When you begin to feel your old sled is just not fast enough and your friends are all riding sleds you cannot keep pace with, it means you’re more likely to look for an upgrade.

By the way, upgrade is almost always associated with power output. You don’t upgrade to a sled with better electronics or suspension and downgrade to a lesser-powered engine. Uh-uh, never happens.

Second is suspension compliance. When your riding time is uncomfortable or your shocks and springs are just plain worn out, you’re probably inches away from visiting your local dealer.

Replacement parts are pretty expensive, too and that means you’re suddenly looking for a replacement for the whole sled rather than fixing up one that needs a ton of investment to only end up with what you already had.

A third reason – and the one we thought would be uppermost on every trade-in customer’s list, is reliability. It looks like many riders would rather put up with a sled that needs more and more maintenance rather than get rid of it and replace it with something new.

This indicator may be more about the type of person who rides a sled that is likely to break down and their financial situation or ability to afford a new sled rather than their desire to have a new, reliable one.

Back to the power thing: No wonder the OEMs keep coming out with faster, more powerful sleds in almost every category. In snowmobiling, power is a very strong motivator.

Kent Lester
Kent Lester
Kent Lester is Co-Publisher of SUPERTRAX Magazine and a regular contributor to this website.
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