Honda Snowmobile Rumors Put To Rest

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For the first time in roughly five years we haven’t been tracking lame Honda snowmobile rumors!

While some in the enthusiast press have desperately attempted to keep this one alive, we’ve been more realistic with our interpretation of these wildly skewed and more importantly, completely unverifiable rumors.

Case in point, while we do glean insights (that means top secret sources feed us info) into what is going on in far-away, remote test locations and sometimes even photographic evidence of new equipment magically appears on our email, we have never seen a legit pic of any snowmobile under development by Honda.

Oh sure, over-used and over exposed pics of Honda Cubs with track kits and skis have floated around the industry for more than a decade. Guess what? Getting into this industry right now is not a simple or cheap deal.

A motorcycle OEM can far more easily jump into the ATV biz as a result of crossover technologies, particularly in the engine department.

To build a good snowmobile – and entering this biz with anything but a great sled would be nothing less than stupid – requires purpose-built engines and most importantly, complex, durable and efficient CVTs.

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