Jesse Strege Optimistic Recovery

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Press Release –

Jesse Strege crashed during a Yamaha snow cross test in Eagle River, WI, where Jesse suffered a broken back.

They did surgery on Tuesday March 21st and put two titanium rods into Jesse’s vertebrate. The doctors removed some bone chips and ground them up to use as a cement to hold the screws in. It was a 6 hour surgery and Jesse will have a long road to recover.

Jesse was able to take a few steps today. This is very encouraging and the specialist is optimistic that he will have a full recovery. He will be in the brace for at least 3 months.

Jesse’s family has set up a web-site so you can send a get well message and get his latest recovery information. This web-site is Log on, go to “visit caringbridge site.” The site name is jessestrege and it will take you to his home page.

Please wish him and his family your best wishes.

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