Proposed Minnesota Bill Bad News For Snowmobilers

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Minnesota State Representative Mike Jaros of Duluth, a Democrat from district 7B, has introduced HF3781 for consideration by the Minnesota State House of Representatives Transportation Finance Committee.

This bill is very bad news for snowmobilers and off-road enthusiasts. If passed, the bill would end the current policy of using un-refunded gasoline tax revenue to pay for snowmobile, ATV and OHV trail maintenance.

According to the Minnesota United Snowmobilers’ Association, about a third of all snowmobile trail maintenance revenue comes from un-refunded gasoline tax. Jaros’ bill would prohibit the use of the tax revenue for anything but on-highway projects.

Off-road enthusiasts statewide should contact their state representative and oppose this bill and ask that it not be heard by the committee.

Off-road enthusiasts generate millions of dollars for the state’s economy, and they purchase large volumes of gasoline for use in their snowmobiles and ATVs. Of course, Minnesota is also home to two of the largest snowmobile and ATV manufacturers—Polaris and Arctic Cat, that provide thousands of jobs in the state.

A hearing of the bill is scheduled for Tuesday, March 25th at 4PM before the Transportation Finance Committee and off-road enthusiasts are encouraged to attend.

For more information, visit

To find out how to contact your state representative to ask them to oppose the bill, visit

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